Cobra Jasper (Script Stone) Rough
Cobra Jasper (also known as Script Stone) has a red to
dark maroon colored background with contrasting yellow swirls. The color
contrast makes for striking slabs, spheres and finished stones. Cobra Jasper
takes a good polish with cerium oxide, tin oxide, or diamond. Mohs hardness
is approximately 6.5 to 7.
Cobra Jasper (Script Stone)
Rough - $5.50/pound - SALE:
Locality: India |
Sample Cobra Jasper (Script Stone) Slab.
Sample of Cobra Jasper (Script Stone) Rough.
Item Number
Cobra Jasper Rough#1
Triangular shape measures
approximately 12-1/2 " x 7-1/2" x 4-3/4 to 3" thick.
Great Slabber with fabulous color & pattern!
22.29 pounds
Cobra Jasper Rough#2
Triangular shape measures approximately 13-3/4
" x 7-1/2" x 3-7/8 to 2-3/4" thick. Great Slabber
with fabulous color & pattern! |
19.72 pounds
Cobra Jasper Rough#3
Measures approximately
10" x 6" x 3" thick. Great Slabber with fabulous
color & pattern!
17.39 pounds
Cobra Jasper Rough#4
Triangular shape measures approximately 9"
x 8" x 2-7/8 to 2" thick. Nice Slabber with great color
& pattern! SOLD |
12.11 pounds
Cobra Jasper Rough#5
Measures approximately
6" x 6" x 3-1/4" thick. Great Slabber with nice
pattern! |
12.46 pounds
We also have SLABS
of this material.
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