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Sonoran Flame Agate Rough
Locality: Sonora, Mexico
Sonoran Flame Agate was mined almost two decades ago and there
hasn't been any on the market for years. We found this batch in our archives.
Sonoran Flame Agate ranges from a clear base with red flames to a black
base with flames in red, burnt-orange and mustard colors.
Agate is a form of microcrystaline quartz. It is usually formed in nodules
and has transparent, or translucent portions. As with all of the other species
in the quartz family, agate takes a high polish with cerium oxide, but also
takes a fine polish with tin oxide and diamond. Mohs hardness 6.5 to 7.
Sample of Sonoran Flame Agate Rough
Close-up of Sonoran Flame Agate.
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