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Blue Chalcedony Rough:
Chalcedony is the translucent and most desireable form of microcrystalline quartz.  It is dense and hard like agate and jasper. Takes a beautiful polish with cerium oxide.

NEW! Item #: Blue Chalcedony5G - Blue Chalcedony rough
Locality: Malawi, Africa

We just received a large quantity of high quality blue chalcedony from Malawi. This is normally very expensive material, but because we acquired such a large quantity at a super low price, we're passing our savings on to you. Get some of this fine material for awesome low prices while it lasts!
We just received a large quantity of high quality blue chalcedony from Malawi. This is normally very expensive material, but because we acquired such a large quantity at a super low price, we're passing our savings on to you. Get some of this fine material for awesome low prices while it lasts!
Up to 5 lb. $55.00/pound
10 lb. $45.00/pound
20 lb. $35.00/pound
50 lb. $30.00/pound
100 lb. $25.00/pound
Full container (approximately 160 lb.) $20.00/pound

Item #: Blue Chalcedony1R - Blue Chalcedony rough - $2.50/gram SALE: $1.00/gram!
Locality: Madagascar

Weighs 16.2 grams. $40.50

Item #: Blue Chalcedony2R - Blue Chalcedony rough- $2.50/gram
Locality: Madagascar

Weighs 16.3 grams. $40.75

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