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New Material! Check it Out.
Malachite from the Congo

Malachite is a well known material and one of the most
popular copper secondary for lapidaries and jewelers alike. Polishes with tin cerium oxide, green rouge and diamond.
This is all we have for now, so get it while we have it!!

 Rough for Cabbing
 Agate Cabbing Rough
Agate Nodules Rough Agate Nodules Rough from Chihuahua, Mexico
Blue Lace Agate Rough Blue Lace Agate from Namibia
Chopstick Agate Rough  Chopstick Agate Rough from China
Cinco de Mayo Agate Rough  Cinco de Mayo Agate Rough from Mexico ON SALE!!
Fire Agate Rough Windowed and Preformed Rough from Las Brasas, Chihuahua, Mexico
Green Moss Agate Rough Green Moss Agate Rough from India
Lace Agate Rough  Lace Agate from Mexico
Montana Agate Rough Grade "A" Selected Montana Agate from Montana ON SALE!!
Paul Bunyan Agate Rough Paul Bunyan Agate Rough from Barstow California
Red Lightning Agate Rough Red Lightning Agate from Chihuahua, Mexico. Two grades to pick from!
Sagenite Agate Rough Sagenite Agate from Mexico
Tree Agate Rough Tree Agate Rough from India
Turritella Agate Rough Turritella Fossil Agate Rough from Wyoming
 Alunite Cabbing Rough
Alunite Rough Alunite Rough from Quartzsite, Arizona
 Angelite Cabbing Rough
Angelite Rough  Angelite Rough from Peru
 Assorted Cabbing Rough Parcels
Assortments of Rough  Parcels of assorted rough end cuts at a great price! More coming eventually.
 Astrophyllite Cabbing Rough
Astrophyllite Rough  NEW!! Astrophyllite from India
 Aventurine Cabbing Rough
Peach Aventurine Rough Peach Aventurine from India
 Block Simulant Cabbing Rough
Block Simulant Rough  NEW!! Block Simulant, Manmade
 Cacoxenite Cabbing Rough
Cacoxenite in Amethyst Rough Cacoxenite in Amethyst Rough from Brazil - Back in Stock!!
 Calcite Cabbing Rough
Honey Calcite Rough  Honey Calcite ("Onyx") from Chihuahua, Mexico Super Low Price!!
Rainbow Calcite Rough Rainbow Calcite ("Onyx") from Chihuahua, Mexico
 Chalcedony Cabbing Rough
Blue Chalcedony Rough Bulk Blue Chalcedony Rough in Bulk
Blue Chalcedony Rough Pieces Blue Chalcedony Rough individual pieces
 Charoite Cabbing Rough
Charoite Rough   Charoite Rough from Russia - One Huge Piece!!!
 Chrysocolla Cabbing Rough
Chrysocolla Rough Chrysocolla from Mexico
Cuprite and Chrysocolla Rough  Cuprite and Chrysocolla (Sonoran Sunrise) Rough from Sonora, Mexico
 Chrysoprase Cabbing Rough
Chrysoprase Rough Chrysoprase from Australia
 Coral Cabbing Rough
Fossilized Coral Fossilized Coral from Indonesia.
Fossilized Red Horn Coral Fossilized Red Horn Coral from Utah Recently Restocked!!
 Dinosaur Dung (Coprolite) Cabbing Rough
Dinosaur Dung Rough Fossil Dinosaur Dung (Coprolite) from the Utah/Colorado Border Area
 Dolomite Cabbing Rough
Lemon Lime Dolomite Rough Lemon Lime Dolomite from Sonora Mexico
Rolling Hills Dolomite Rough Rolling Hills Dolomite from Mexico NEW LOW PRICE!!
 Fossil Shell (Coquinite) Cabbing Rough
Clam Chowder Stone Rough Clam Chowder Stone Rough from Chihuahua, Mexico
Fossil Stone Rough Fossil Stone Rough from Chihuahua, Mexico ON SALE!!
 Goldstone Cabbing Rough
Blue Goldstone Blue Goldstone
Green Goldstone Green Goldstone
Red Goldstone Red Goldstone
 Graphic Stone Cabbing Rough
Graphic Stone Rough Graphic Stone from Nevada
 Hypersthene (Bronzite) Cabbing Rough
Bronzite Hypersthene Rough Bronzite Hypersthene from Brazil
 Indian Paint Rock Cabbing Rough
Indian Paint Rock Rough  Indian Paint Rock from Nevada
 Ivoryite Cabbing Rough
Ivoryite Rough Ivoryite from Arizona
 Jade Cabbing Rough
Absolute Black "Jade" Rough Absolute Black "Jade" Pure Black Gem Grade Ferro-hornblende
Black Nephrite Jade Rough Black Nephrite Jade from Australia
Edwards Black Jade Edwards Black Jade from Wyoming
 Jasper Cabbing Rough
Asteroid Jasper Rough Asteroid Jasper from Mexico
Biggs Jasper Rough Biggs Jasper from Oregon
Cherry Creek Jasper Rough  Cherry Creek Jasper from China
Cobra Jasper Rough Cobra Jasper from India
Cosmic Spot Jasper Rough Cosmic Spot Jasper from Nevada
Dynasty Jasper Rough Dynasty Jasper from Jalisco Mexico
Exotica Jasper Rough Exotica Jasper from Sonora, Mexico
Fancy Jasper Rough Fancy Jasper from India
Flower Jasper Rough  Flower Jasper from China
Frogskin Jasper Rough Frogskin Jasper Rough from Chihuahua, Mexico
Kambaba Jasper Rough  Kambaba Jasper Rough from Madagascar
Leopardskin Jasper Rough Leopardskin Jasper Rough from Chihuahua, Mexico
Morgan Hill Poppy Jasper Rough  Morgan Hill Poppy Jasper Rough from California
Noreena Jasper Rough Noreena Jasper from Australia
Oregon Landscape Jasper Rough Oregon Landscape (Oregon Sunset) Jasper
Palomino Jasper Rough Palomino Jasper from Oregon
Pilbara Picasso Jasper Rough Pilbara Picasso Rough from Australia
Poppy Jasper Rough Poppy Jasper from Mexico
Rainforest Jasper Rough Rainforest Jasper from Australia
Red Robin Jasper Rough Red Robin Jasper from Brazil
Spiderweb Jasper Rough Arizona Spiderweb Jasper
Starburst Jasper Rough Starburst Jasper from Chihuahua, Mexico
Yellow Jacket Jasper Rough  Yellow Jacket Jasper from Wyoming
 Jet Cabbing Rough
Jet Rough  Jet from Indonesia.
 Lapis Lazuli Cabbing Rough
Lapis Lazuli Rough  Lapis Lazuli from Afghanistan
 Larimar Cabbing Rough
Larimar Rough Larimar (Pectolite) from Dominican Republic
 Lepidolite Cabbing Rough
Lepidolite Rough Lepidolite from San Diego County, California
 Malachite Cabbing Rough
Malachite Rough  NEW!! Malachite from the Congo
 Marble Cabbing Rough
Picasso Marble Rough Picasso Marble from Utah
 Obsidian Cabbing Rough
Fireworks Obsidian Rough Fireworks Obsidian from Mexico
Red Obsidian Rough Red Obsidian from Mexico ON SALE!!
Spiderweb Obsidian Rough Spiderweb Obsidian
Starry Night Obsidian Rough Starry Night Obsidian from Mexico
Velvet Peacock Rainbow Obsidian Rough Velvet Peacock Rainbow Obsidian from Mexico
 Petrified Wood Cabbing Rough
Opalized Petrified Wood Rough Opalized Petrified Wood from Australia
Petrified Wood Rough  Petrified Wood from northern Arizona
 Printstone Cabbing Rough
Printstone Rough Printstone Rough from Australia
 Psilomelane Cabbing Rough
Psilomelane Rough Silver Crown Psilomelane from Chihuahua, Mexico
 Quartz Cabbing Rough
Blue Quartz Rough Blue Quartz Rough from Brazil
Green Quartz Rough Green Quartz Rough from Brazil
Rose Quartz Rough Rose Quartz Rough from Madagascar
 Rhodonite Cabbing Rough
Rhodonite Rough Rhodonite from Western Australia
 Rhyolite Cabbing Rough
Liesegang Rhyolite Rough Liesegang Stone Banded Rhyolite Rough from Nye County, Nevada
Orbicular Rhyolite Rough Orbicular Rhyolite Rough from Chihuahua Mexico ON SALE 25% OFF!!
Wonderstone Rhyolite Rough Wonderstone Rhyolite Rough from Nevada and Mexico
 Ruby in Fuchsite Cabbing Rough
Ruby in Fuchsite Rough Ruby in Fuchsite from India
 Seraphinite (Clinoclore) Cabbing Rough
Seraphinite Rough Seraphinite from Russia
 Shell Cabbing Rough
Shell Rough Green Lip and Abalone Shells ON SALE!!
 Sodalite Cabbing Rough
Sodalite Rough  Sodalite from Namibia and from Brazil
 Tiger Eye Cabbing Rough
Blue Streak Tiger Eye Rough Blue Streak Tiger Eye from South Africa ON SALE!!
Golden Tiger Eye Rough Golden Tiger Eye from South Africa
Hawkseye Tiger Eye Rough Hawkseye Tiger Eye from South Africa More Coming Eventually
Tiger Eye Mix Rough Tiger Eye Mix from South Africa - A mix of tiger eye varieties and sizes to choose from.
 Todolite Cabbing Rough
Todolite Rough Todolite from New Mexico
 Travertine Cabbing Rough
Rainbow Travertine Rough Rainbow Travertine Rough from Mexico
 Turquoise Cabbing Rough
Turquoise Rough Natural and Stabilized Turquoise from Arizona, Mexico, China and Chile.
 Unakite Cabbing Rough
Unakite Rough  Unakite from Virginia.
 Rough for Carving
 Alabaster Carving Rough
Alabaster Rough Peach, Gray, & White Colors. White Alabaster ON SALE! (Large Pieces Available)
 Calcite Carving Rough
Honey Calcite Rough Honey Calcite ("Onyx") Cutting and Carving Rough from Chihuahua, Mexico
 Ivoryite Carving Rough
Ivoryite Rough Ivoryite is a great substitute for ivory. Excellent material for inlay, jewelry and small carvings.
 Jet Carving Rough
Jet Rough Black Jet from Indonesia
 Meerschaum Carving Rough
Meerschaum Rough Meerschaum Carving Rough
 Pipestone Carving Rough
Pipestone Rough Pipestone Carving Rough from Arizona
 Quartz Carving Rough
Rose & Smoky Quartz Rough Rose and Smoky Quartz Carving Rough from Madagascar
 Soapstone Carving Rough
Soapstone Rough  Soapstone Carving Rough from India in mixed colors
 Rough for Tumbling
 Tumbling Rough Parcels
Tumbling Rough Tumbling Rough parcels in mixed and hard materials.

Gem and Lapidary Materials - $39.50
For Cutters, Collectors and Jewelers
Gem and Lapidary Materials by June Culp Zeitner
Soft cover, 7" x 10", 347 pages.
Sample page

Gem and Lapidary Materials provides a comprehensive overview of the materials used in the lapidary arts throughout history and up to the present. It is about minerals and rocks as lapidary materials. The descriptions stress how the material looks to the lapidary artist, or jeweler or connoisseur. This is not a book about mineralogy, nor a book about how to cut stones - it is about the materials of lapidary, the art of the ages.

Chapters include: Introduction to Gem and Lapidary Materials, The Gems of History, Transparent Faceting Materials, Crystalline Quartz, Cryptocrystalline Quartz: The Agate Family, Quartz: Opaque But Colorful, Quartz: Strange and Wonderful Pseudomorphs, Cabochon Favorites of Yesterday and Today, Cabochon and Carving Materials, Ornamental and Decorative Gem Materials, Phenomenal Gems: Stars and Stripes, Metallic Gem Materials, Organic Gem Materials: Gems fro Life, Rare, Little Known and Unusual Gem Materials, and Gems from the Laboratory and Factory. Appendices provide information on the Refractive Index and Dispersion of Gemstones, Educational Associations, and Topical Publications. A particularly comprehensive bibliography lists several hundred related books and references.

 Other Websites of Interest

Slabs for Cabbing and Collecting:
We have scores of pages of slabs online at our Great Slabs web site including chrysocolla in quartz, shattuckite and other copper secondaries, petrified wood, all kinds of agates, jaspers and much more!

Rough for Faceting:
Need faceting rough? We have everything from Andalusite to Zircon on our Faceting Rough website!

Rough Turquoise:
Need turquoise rough? We have a great selection of rough turquoise, including natural material!

Agate   Alabaster   Alunite   Angelite   Assortments   Astrophyllite   Aventurine   Block Simulant   Cacoxenite   Calcite   Chalcedony   Charoite   Chrysocolla   Chrysoprase   Coral   Dinosaur Dung (Coprolite)   Dolomite   Fossil Shell (Coquinite)   Goldstone   Graphic Stone   Hypersthene (Bronzite)   Indian Paint Rock   Ivoryite   Jade   Jasper   Jet   Lapis Lazuli   Larimar   Lepidolite   Malachite   Marble   Meerschaum   Obsidian   Petrified Wood   Pipestone   Printstone   Psilomelane   Quartz   Rhodonite   Rhyolite   Ruby-in-Fuchsite   Seraphinite (Clinoclore)   Shell   Soapstone   Sodalite   Tiger Eye   Todolite   Travertine   Tumbling Rough   Turquoise   Unakite  
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